About Us

I can’t imagine a sweeter life than one that is spent “wee bee keeping” (otherwise known as being a mum to my gorgeous wee girl).  Mum and Bee keep busy by exploring the world together, dancing around the kitchen while baking gluten-free wonder-filled snacks, and cuddling up to read story after story.  She’s my “Gilmore Girl” through and through!

I am also…a woman who recovered her life from ED (in my case, anorexia nervosa) many years ago; a teacher; an eating disorders awareness advocate and public speaker; a writer and an artist with a lucky pink streak in my hair.

She is…a wee lady whose joy and enthusiasm for life bubbles up from her belly when she laughs; a dancer; an artist; a comedian; and sweetness personified.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading about all of our sticky-sweet adventures…

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